This is one of my favourite places in the world, Niinivesi, Rautalampi. If I could get rid of all mosquitos and "paarmas" (horse fly, probably) it would be number 1. We have spent more time here this summer than any of the previous summers. Not only because the weather has been so good. For the first time, we went around Kotasaari near Vaajasalmi by boat. I had studied the map and found out that it might be a beatiful boat ride. My other favourite ride is from Saikari to Lohimaa, Tervo. On that route you will go through Härkäsalmi which has some of the quintessential Finnish lake scenery http://kansalaisen.karttapaikka.fi/linkki.html?x=3488282&y=6976921&scale=16000&text=Härkäsalmi&lang=FI.