Sunday, April 20, 2008

Trimming grass in Curitiba

This picture reminds me of the Kummeli sketch where the employees had to draw who gets the best tools. I guess these guys lost.
One more thing about Curitiba, the taxi drivers here also rounded the fare down. Just like the guy in Slovenia.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Well organized for a Brazilian city"

This is what my brazilian colleague said about Curitiba, Brazil. Well, I have been here less than a day and I haven't noticed anything special, yet. However, this is also what other people on the Internet have noticed. Luckily my colleague also mentioned the weather. Being in Brazil one would expect warm weather but Curitiba is a bit chilly this time of the year.
P.S. You are not supposed to put the used toilet paper into the toilet bowl in Brazil but into the bin next to the bowl. While I was browsing the Internet to check this, I found these very amusing but also useful instructions. For example, the I broke the first rule in Bangkok last year to the amusement of Minna and Kia when the hotel plumbers came to fix the problem which wasn't originally caused by me but the previous guest.