6 hours ago I didn't even know what it meant but I had suffered to consequences without knowing this word. The power is cut briefly every day. Today I learned that this is intentional and the power is cut for an hour every now and then. Usually starting on the hour. There is a brief outage before the generators kick off and start producing electricity for the building while the power lines don't supply any. While I am writing this, the power was cut at 7 pm. It came back at 8 pm. During this hour the generators of the hotel took care of providing electricity. Unfortunately there might be a brief interruption to the Internet connections, as well.
The government is planning to support energy saving by moving into daylight savings time in June, forcing the industrial units have holidays on alternate days, forcing the closure of commercial markets by 9 pm, banning neon signs and switching off half of the street lights.
P.S. I think it's a good idea to go home on Saturday. Tensions rise as the USA killed 12 people with a missile strike on Pakistani ground near the border with Afghanistan.
P.P.S. Three people were murdered in Lahore yesterday. TheNation published the pictures of the victims, dead of course.
One more piece of news: An angry mob killed 2 bandits and tried to burn their bodies. You don't see this every day in Finland.