On Sunday I walked from the hotel to the end of Copacabana and back. About 15 kilometers and it started raining in the end. Having a chopp or two every couple of kilometers. At Copacabana, I saw a tattoo gone bad. A surfer had a tattoo in his back which said Ocean Therpy. "A" had been added later but of course it was smaller than other letters because it wouldn't have fit otherwise. Rule number 1: Do not take a tattoo from a guy who doesn't know English. Rule number 2: Don't take a tattoo on you back because you cannot check the spelling yourself, until it's too late.

Each day I take a taxi to Barra de Tijuca. From Barra back to the hotel, the taxis always use the meter and the price is about 30 reals. The morning is a different story. I hear explanations how the taxis wait here by the hotel many hours before they get a ride. Or how it takes such a long time to drive back to the hotel from Barra. That's why I should pay 40 reals. This morning I was tired of working late last night and I said to one of the drivers that I don't care how long do you have to wait for a client or how big is the traffic jam from Barra to the city. I will pay for the ride to Barra and nothing else. I also said that I could also take the hotel driver. The taxi guy said that it would cost 60 reals. That's true, but I am not paying the ride myself so I don't care. At least the hotel cars have safety belts and suspension. However, I managed to get the price down to 35 reals. I wouldn't care but they think I'm a tourist and that the more they screw them the better. In Barra, my driver said that he can take me there tomorrow also with 35 reals. Even this is too much, but this guys is being honest and not inventing stories how difficult it is to get back. It's their job for God's sake.

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